Submissions Closed

Our mission is to showcase unsung Welsh voices from all nooks and valleys of our wonderful Welsh home. You must be a Welsh native, live here, or have lived here in order to submit to us. However, please note your submission does not need to pertain to your time here, be about your Welsh identity or living experiences – you can submit work that includes these themes but are under no obligation to do so.

Submissions will open four times a year prior to the release of each issue. Please do not send submissions outside of these periods.

Keep an eye on our social media channels for submission announcements!

What We Want


Send up to three poems (in a single document) per submission.

Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please notify us promptly if a poem has been accepted elsewhere.

Short Fiction

Send up to two stories (in a single document) per submission. These stories must be 5k or below. Text size must be 12 and work must be double-spaced.

Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please notify us promptly if your work has been accepted elsewhere.

Long Fiction

Send us the first three pages of your longer fiction work (this work can be any genre but it must be part of a longer piece i.e. a novel or novella). Text size must be 12 and work must be double-spaced.

Simultaneous submissions are welcome, but please notify us promptly if your work has been accepted elsewhere.

What We Do Not Want

    • We do not consider work that has appeared elsewhere (this includes all Web sites and personal blogs).

    • Work that is racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, hateful, or A.I. generated. We are dedicated to equality and diversity and will not represent views that preach hate in any capacity.


    • All writers will receive a stipend of £20 per accepted work.

    • All digital artists will receive a stipend that is subject to discussion and work used.

How to Submit!

You will be able to submit via one of the options below.

Google Forms: Please fill in the form and take care to read the submission guidelines when submitting your work to us.

Email: Please take care to read the submission guidelines before submitting your work.

In the subject line of the email please include what genre you are submitting along with your name. Reference the example below for formatting specification.

Poetry Submission – Barry B Benson.

Also within the body of the email please include the following.

    • A short bio about yourself and your work (less than 200 words). Example: Barry B Benson is a poet from New York with a specialisation in telling unexpected stories. His poetry has been published in Honey Weekly, The Hive Mag, and Save the Bee. He is currently based in Florida and studying beekeeping.
    • If this is your first time submitting to a literary magazine/publication consider writing your bio like this: Christopher Robin is a poet from England who likes to tell stories about the souls of animals. He is new to the form of storytelling but excited to share his work with like-minded creatives. He is currently based in Norfolk and enjoys studying clocks. 

    • If you would be happy with your work being published on the website and not in the print issue.

    • Whether you would like to remain on the mailing list for future call-outs.

    • Your connection to Wales.

All submissions should receive a response in the four weeks following the closing of our submission period.

Submissions Are Open!

Terms and Conditions

    • You must be over the age of 18 in order to submit to the magazine. 

    • Acceptance to TPS means that your work will be published in the printed issue and may appear in our online archive and through social media channels. 
    • Submissions submitted in Welsh must have an English translation submitted too. 

    • Poetry published on our website may not be published elsewhere without the writer’s express permission. The work may be republished by the writer permitting the accreditation of previous publication with TPS. 

    • Work accepted will be paid the set stipend as specified (£20) per piece. This includes any art pieces selected.